High Performance Home Master Classes
 "Bundle" Offers

  On-Demand Classes


SAVE When You Purchase a "Bundle" of Classes

Standard Bundle

$300 $200 for Bundle ($100 savings) *

Purchase the "Standard Bundle"

Master Class Bundle

$450 $270 for Bundle ($180 savings) *

Purchase the "Master Class Bundle"

"Standard Bundle"
(4 On-Demand Classes)

  • Becoming a Building Science Expert
  • Maximizing Performance with Unvented Attics
  • Energy Code Mastery (IECC 2021)
  • Energy Program Knowledge Builder


"Master Class Bundle" *
(6 On-Demand Classes)

"Standard Bundle" + 2 Bonus Classes

  • Energy Efficiency Products Decoded (Part 1) - Building Envelope
  • Energy Efficiency Products Decoded (Part 2) - Building Systems

Class Workbook
($5 each INCLUDED)

  • A great resource that includes the most important information you need to know
  • "Fill-in-the-blank" keeps you engaged and increases information retention
  • Lots of space to write notes
  • A "Resource" Section with helpful links to additional information about the topics covered

Presentation Slides
($10 each INCLUDED)

  • Worry less about taking notes and spend more time listening and learning
  • You won't miss any information if you have all the information in the slides!
  • Presentation slides available for download with each class

Continuing Education
Credits Available for Purchase

Purchase CEUs

24/7 Access

Class "Bundles" include access to classes in the bundle 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 120 days from the date of purchase.

Purchase the "Standard Bundle" ($200)
Purchase the "Master Class Bundle" ($270)

Daran's classes are like loose fill insulation, they fill in all the knowledge gaps and voids about heat flow and thermal efficiency. I highly recommend taking these classes more than once.

Mike Billingsley
Arizona Pipe Trades Apprenticeship

You are an exceptional speaker and a wealth of knowledge! I can appreciate that you do truly have the ability to CONVEY the information, also--super appreciated. A very comprehensive training/tutorial overall, very pleased I attended--I got a lot out of it

Abigail Burson

If you are not 100% satisfied with your class experience after completing a single class or classes in a bundle, we will refund your purchase.

See Terms & Conditions

Purchase the "Standard Bundle" ($200)
Purchase the "Master Class Bundle" ($270)

Questions about classes?

Contact us

* Standard pricing
Pricing for 4 On-Demand Master Classes:
$60/class x 4 classes = $240 +  Workbooks ($5) & Presentation Slides ($10): $15 x 4 classes = $60. 
Total Standard price = $300.

Pricing for 6 On-Demand Master Classes:
$60/class x 6 classes = $360 +  Workbooks ($5) & Presentation Slides ($10): $15 x 6 classes = $90. 
Total Standard price = $450.